Day: August 17, 2017

Read Along With Me: The Two-Night One-Night Stand Part 01

Read Along With Me
@ Prologue

You had me at the title!

Wow, does that guy have a deep voice or what! Wasn’t expecting that. Tor Thom be still my little heart!

Sooooo…… deep voice dude is a dick!

Hope we don’t see him again! But I’m sure that’s too much to ask. I’m sure he will come slinking back later in the book to make hell for our heroine.  🙁 

The Two-Night One-Night Stand

Written by Ryan Ringbloom

Read by Tor Thom

Read by Charley Ongel

These are my musings as I listen/read this story!

Full Review Here

Review: Feign: A Poetic Collection, Volume 1

My Reviews
Written word equivalent of a power ballad!

This collection of poetry is the written word equivalent of power ballad!
–It can be a cry for pinning love, the tears of losing love, or the angry middle finger to the one that did you wrong!

Leanne Yau really did this audiobook justice! I had the feels even if I had no clue what was going on in the poem.

This is very intense and passionate poetry. It says there is a little bit of everything but many of the pieces were dark and angsty.

This was not so much for me, as I am fairly stable in my love life, but I would highly recommend this to those of you out there that are not in the same place in life, especially if you are in the dating pool.

Overall I give this 4 of 5 stars!

Feign: A Poetic Collection, Volume 1

Written by T. L. Curtis

Read by Leanne Yau

Ebook obtained through Amazon Unlimited

Audiobook obtained for free at my request and I am voluntarily leaving this unbiased review.

Review: Feign: A Poetic Collection, Volume 1

Read Along With Me: The Two-Night One-Night Stand Part 02

Read Along With Me
@ Chapter 01

At first I thought there wasn’t a mix-up. Something had to be up given how cryptic her “friend” was being. That friend of hers comes across as a bit selfish. Not getting good vibes here!

If the breast exam man is the true date, then her friend is an asshole! That means all that giggling really was mean spite, and that makes her a super asshole! Since that would make him her brother, then they are a family of assholes!

A talking “Peen” is really not that far off from what actually happens in a man’s head. We all know men too often use the head below their belt over the one on their shoulders. This way its more comical and oddly enough less creepy.

The Two-Night One-Night Stand

Written by Ryan Ringbloom

Read by Tor Thom

Read by Charley Ongel

These are my musings as I listen/read this story!

Full Review Here