Bummer, I know!

I kinda feel like I was though.

My one and only baby left for dorm life in college, and oh what an adventure getting her moved in was.

We are selling our current home

to buy our new home,

which is almost complete and I would 💗 to be spending Xmas there.
However, we can’t get there until we sale the one we are currently in.

This is very stressful in case you want to know.
Not to mention sometimes dangerous.
I seem to have a knack for pulling stuff down on my head. And the injury to my eye was very uncomfortable in the healing process. You can’t really put ointment on it.
Not to mention the aches and pains that come with the territory of packing and moving in general.
Since the house is still on the market, we are tweaking the things where we can, with the no budget we have. As well as sorting and packing what’s still left.

Audible has updated their review platform, which will allow me to do mini reviews right after I finish a title, instead of just rating.
I’m super excited about this!
Going to be doing Quickies!
Then I can go back and update the mini review with a longer full review.
Thanks for all the complementary titles! They are really getting me through this crazy time.