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Quickies: Bounced: A Blue Collar Bad Boy Romance

The Bouncer And The Actuary, Its Hot!

The H even comments about how unsexy that sounds, but trust me, the Steam Is Real! Bounced is one smexy standalone, even though it is listed as part of a series, but that is more in theme.

Its short, its hot, its insta-love at its finest. It all just works. No violence or cheating drama. HEA plus epilogue.

This is my first time with author Brill Harper. She wrote a sexy short with substance that makes me want more.

This story is performed in alternating POV of the two main characters Anvil and Sarah . Kale Williams and Lisa Zimmerman are new to me but they make a good team.

I didn’t notice any issues with the audio production. I listened at 1.00x speed.

Audiobook obtained at my request and I am voluntarily leaving this unbiased review.

Bounced: A Blue Collar Bad Boy Romance

(Blue Collar Bad Boys, Book 1)

By: Brill Harper

Performed by: Kale Williams, Lisa Zimmerman,

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Quickies: York

Protective, Loyal, and Loves to Snuggle, Yes Please!

York is my favorite! I felt sad for him and his loneliness. He couldn’t find a potential mate that wasn’t scared of his species size and potential for violence. To be fair, the incidences recorded where in response to threats to their mates, but that didn’t seem to make a difference to the females.

Lucky for York, Sara was able to see past all the hype. She was coming from her own situations, and yes that is plural. I’m glad that all of those actions eventually led her to York, because Sara saved him too!

Of course it’s not that easy peasy. Both have to deal with the consequences of their actions. We get to see the Pods in action and it was Awesome! I want some hamby pamby cuties.

It’s steamy, and like the others, it carries a “Contains mature themes” warning. So you are warned.

Laurann Dohner really brought it with this title.

New Narrator, Samantha Summers was entertaining with both genders and various species of aliens.

Normal 1.00x speed works fine, but I listened at 0.95x speed. It just sounded better to me.

Overall I LOVED it! Next in series is Raff’s story!

Listened through Audible Escape.


(Vorge Crew, Book 3)

By: Laurann Dohner

Performed by: Samantha Summers

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Quickies: York Read More »

Review: How to Handle a Heartbreaker by Marie Harte

Lots More Feels Than The Last

How to Handle a Heartbreaker is #02 in the McCauley Brothers Series by Marie Harte.

Anne Gray narrates.

HEA with a continuing story line.

I recommend reading these in order, because if you listen to one out of order, you will want to go back and start from the beginning anyway. There are 4 brothers, 3 neighbors, and a bonus heroine with tattoos. They are all so intertwined that its practically impossible to separate them.

Length: 10 hrs and 38 mins

Content Advisory:
Steam factor on this one is , including lots of dirty talk and sexting! And despite efforts to not curse in front of the kid, there is still lots of cursing. 🤷

At the time of this posting, this Audiobook is currently available as part of Audible Escape.

Audio Sample

This is #2 in the series, and we finally get our introduction to the mystery heroine, Del. Now that everyone is present, we get to dive in to Flynn’s “honorary” twin, Brody!

There are lots of feels in this one for those that crave it. If you started with book #1 then you should be expecting it, this is Brody’s story. Even though they practically raised him, he is not a McCauley by blood. I knew there was an unhappy story in his past coming and boy did it hit me right there.

And if that’s not enough for you, they threw in some bonus feels for good measure!

The Hero and Heroine of this story, Brody (Singer) McCauley and Abby Dunn met in book one and have both had an interest in the other since the beginning . Abby likes to ease drop on the boys while they play poker for her research and Brody likes to make sure the window is open while they play so he can drop hints to the ears he knows are listening. These 2 have a lot more in common than they realize. They both hide the truth of who they truly are, fearing the judgment and shame. I have to stop there and let the details of it unfold for you as intended. ….Sorry.

Now just because there are more heart strings pulled than normal doesn’t mean it skimped on the heat. No sir! It was super steamy, as Abby needed to do a lot of research😉, and Brody was more than happy to work with her on that project.

E-Book Sample

Throughout the book, it is hinted that all is not harmonious in the McCauley family. I was hoping it was just discontent over an empty nest, but sadly I don’t think that is going to be the case. ☹ The epilogue leads one to believe we will get the answers in the next book. We also get a hint of what’s to come with Vanessa and Cameron


➖ Mutt & Colin still steal the show! ➖


There are many outlets where you can find this title at so you will have a lot of options.

Marie Harte’s characters still entertain. She could of eased up on the feels. I still want to listen to the rest of the series.

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Anne Gray’s voice was pleasant and flowed well. Helps to have the ebook if you are struggling with “who’s talking” in the larger scenes. You can find it through your local library for free.

AudiobookRomance Narrator Tag | Audible | OverDrive | Scribd | Playster | EStories | Hoopla

The recording was exactly as it should be. Pacing/timing was accurate. No background noises. Sound levels were correct with no need for constant volume changes.

Ebook obtained through my local library (Overdrive).

Audiobook obtained through Audible Escape.


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Review: Surrender Sweet Succubus

A Lot of Heart to Go with the Steam.

Surrender Sweet Succubus is a standalone, by Jewel Quinlan.

P.J. Ochlan narrates.

HEA, NO cheating, NO cliffhangers!

Length: 2 hrs and 15 mins

Content Warning: Sex: YES!

This title is currently available through Audible Escape.

Quite a touching little story for a short erotic title.

Stephen is a doctor with some bonus gifts. He is a shaman and according to him, has seem some sh*t. His brother and sister-n-law are desperate for a baby and are hoping there may be some “other” way of help. Stephen goes in search of a Succubus that has the “magic touch” he is looking for and gets far more than he ever thought he needed. It’s only a couple hours long, but still had a good bit of character and world building that made it seem much longer. An epilogue of their future would of been nice, but that’s just my romantic heart talking. 😊

Jewel Quinlan is new to me but not for long. I really liked this story and plan to check out her other Audible Escape titles.

Website | BLOG | AudiobookRomance Author Tag | Twitter | Facebook | Audible | Amazon | GoodReads | OverDrive | Scribd | Instagram | BooKBub | Itunes | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

P.J. Ochlan is not completely new to me, but I have only heard him once before. Just as the time before, he didn’t disappoint. Very few characters, but each had an unique voice which was a delight to my ears. The accents were varied and sounded authentic.

**Note: Names with 2 initials work wonky in search results. You can get 3+ separate results so if you are not finding what you are looking for, adjust your spaces and/or periods. The proper library way of it should be, P.J. Ochlan, but you can also try P. J. Ochlan, & PJ Ochlan.
Website | AudiobookRomance Narrator Tag | Twitter | Facebook | Audible | Amazon | GoodReads | OverDrive | Scribd | Instagram | GooglePlay | EStories | Hoopla | Playster

Listened at normal speed. No sound issues of note. 

Audiobook obtained through Audible Escape


My Reviews

Review: Surrender Sweet Succubus Read More »

Quickies‎: Savage Bond

Action and steam, but I wish I had more.

The action was good and the story was steamy.

It was nice to see another fallen find their mate.

The story did stray from the initial “rules” established in the last 2 books without explanation or acknowledgment. Maybe their was a possible exception for it, but as it stands, it almost invalidates the previous cannon.

It’s still enjoyable, but I wish I had more.

This novella also lost P.J.’s hot gruffy man voice from the last one as Kellie from the 1st is narrating this time. She isn’t bad, I just really wanted to hear P.J. do it.

Overall I would still recommend this especially seeing how this most likely is the last one we will get.

I’m sad, because this was a fresh idea that I would of liked to see continue.

Listened through Audible Escape.

Savage Bond

(The Fallen, Book 3)

By: Anne Marsh

Performed by: Kellie Kamryn

** Listen for FREE through Audible Escape **

My Reviews

Quickies‎: Savage Bond Read More »

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