Lots More Feels Than The Last

How to Handle a Heartbreaker is #02 in the McCauley Brothers Series by Marie Harte.
Anne Gray narrates.
HEA with a continuing story line.
I recommend reading these in order, because if you listen to one out of order, you will want to go back and start from the beginning anyway. There are 4 brothers, 3 neighbors, and a bonus heroine with tattoos. They are all so intertwined that its practically impossible to separate them.
Length: 10 hrs and 38 mins
Content Advisory:
Steam factor on this one is
, including lots of dirty talk and sexting! And despite efforts to not curse in front of the kid, there is still lots of cursing. 🤷
At the time of this posting, this Audiobook is currently available as part of Audible Escape.

Audio Sample

This is #2 in the series, and we finally get our introduction to the mystery heroine, Del. Now that everyone is present, we get to dive in to Flynn’s “honorary” twin, Brody!
There are lots of feels in this one for those that crave it. If you started with book #1 then you should be expecting it, this is Brody’s story. Even though they practically raised him, he is not a McCauley by blood. I knew there was an unhappy story in his past coming and boy did it hit me right there.

And if that’s not enough for you, they threw in some bonus feels for good measure!
The Hero and Heroine of this story, Brody (Singer) McCauley and Abby Dunn met in book one and have both had an interest in the other since the beginning . Abby likes to ease drop on the boys while they play poker for her “research“ and Brody likes to make sure the window is open while they play so he can drop hints to the ears he knows are listening. These 2 have a lot more in common than they realize. They both hide the truth of who they truly are, fearing the judgment and shame. I have to stop there and let the details of it unfold for you as intended. ….Sorry.
Now just because there are more heart strings pulled than normal doesn’t mean it skimped on the heat. No sir! It was super steamy, as Abby needed to do a lot of “research“😉, and Brody was more than happy to work with her on that project.

E-Book Sample

Throughout the book, it is hinted that all is not harmonious in the McCauley family. I was hoping it was just discontent over an empty nest, but sadly I don’t think that is going to be the case. ☹ The epilogue leads one to believe we will get the answers in the next book. We also get a hint of what’s to come with Vanessa and Cameron.
➖ Mutt & Colin still steal the show! ➖
There are many outlets where you can find this title at so you will have a lot of options.

Marie Harte’s characters still entertain. She could of eased up on the feels. I still want to listen to the rest of the series.

Anne Gray’s voice was pleasant and flowed well. Helps to have the ebook if you are struggling with “who’s talking” in the larger scenes. You can find it through your local library for free.

The recording was exactly as it should be. Pacing/timing was accurate. No background noises. Sound levels were correct with no need for constant volume changes.

Ebook obtained through my local library (Overdrive).
Audiobook obtained through Audible Escape.