Losing Another Audiobook Source!

Sadly, another one of the libraries I have a card to has chosen to drop a source of audiobooks!

This is the second library card that will not have access anymore to Hoopla.

The other libraries have been dropping audiobooks from the service, but this is the 2nd one to abandon it all together. I have heard mention that a library is charged for each download through the site. Apparently the amount of downloads for audiobooks is to the level that the act of dropping only those, makes it affordable? I don’t know.

Out of all of my Library memberships, only 2 were still supporting Audiobooks through the Hoopla program, and now as of January 1, 2018, I will only have 1. 🙁 

Hoopla’s format is not my favorite by far, but they do seem to get new releases before even Audible for series and authors I listen to. 

Fingers crossed, the one solo hoopla account will hold!

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