@ Chapter 01
So Asher is a hotty, not a big shocker.
Please tell me you aren’t shocked!
This is a romance people.
The male lead is always hot, well hung, and good in bed.
You accepted those terms the moment you started listening!
@ Chapter 02
Love the Disney quote!
All our dreams
can come true, if
we have the courage
to pursue them.
–Walt Disney
can come true, if
we have the courage
to pursue them.
–Walt Disney
Well that escalated quickly!
@ Chapter 03
Do they have an inside man at the 911 dispatcher office?
@ Chapter 04
So, maybe its not an inside man, just everyone except Lucy knows ‘who’ owns the club, ie. The Mob!
@ Chapter 05
Love the quote and hate the bitches!
“Man cannot discover
new oceans unless he
has the courage to lose
sight of the shore.”
–André Gide
“Man cannot discover
new oceans unless he
has the courage to lose
sight of the shore.”
–André Gide
new oceans unless he
has the courage to lose
sight of the shore.”
–André Gide
@ Chapter 06
Being a killer doesn’t automatically equal uneducated.
I owe a favor to a mobster .
How the Hell did that happen?
I owe a favor to a mobster .
How the Hell did that happen?
How the Hell did that happen?
An hour! Seriously! I get you are shocked, but, damn, a hour!
Written by Parker S. Huntington
Read by Lacy Laurel
These are my musings as I listen/read this story!
Full Review Here
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