Review: Wanderers: Ragnarรถk (Wanderers #1) by Richard A Bamberg

My ReviewsI want a manticore-possessed Harley!

This is the first book in the Wanderers Series. This is a continuing story line and characters, so even though it is not a cliffhanger at the end, there is also no HEA either.

โ™ฅ Story โ™ฅ
This story’s mythology is based around Norse traditions of the deities claiming fallen warriors as their champions. Most people are only familiar with the Valkyries, but just like the Greeks there were many deities to pray to that all came with their own entourages.

Thatโ€™s where Rafe finds himself, as the minion of the Fate Verรฐandi. Who I have to say is pretty bad leading her Wanderers. Rafe has gone over 5 years without any contact or messages from her. As a Wanderer, he is to keep the status quo of good and evil by destroying demons that are causing havoc and disturbing this balance.

Rafe has been alone since his mentor was killed so is not in tune with the danger that is coming his way. Someone is trying to set in to motion the events that will lead to Ragnarรถk. For those that are not aware of what that is, it is the Norse equivalent of the end of days. It’s the final battle for the right to rule the world.

Needless to say, this is a bad thing. In trying to stop the first step in the end of the world Rafe has his trusted familiar Beast, that is a manticore who most often is in the form of a Harley, which makes for some humorous scenes. He has to team up with some overly horny witches, seriously they will not leave the dude alone, to try and prevent the first essentially “seal” from being broken.

The mythology is solid, and there is a lot of action, but I feel like this title suffers from first-book-itus. Too much info dumped over too long of a time, pulled the story down with it. It’s still a good start to a series and I’m looking forward to the next one.

โ™ฅ Author โ™ฅ
This is my first read/listen by Richard A Bamberg and I think itโ€™s a great start. Very creative world building. I’m very curious to see what book 2 brings.

โ™ฅ Narrator(s) โ™ฅ
Johnny Mack is great as always. I have listened to him in other books and he just has that perfect amount of gruff to his voice that can be both charming and sultry in the same book.

Wanderers: Ragnarรถk

Written by Richard A Bamberg

Read by Johnny Mack

Ebook obtained through Kindle Unlimited.

Audiobook obtained for free at my request and I am voluntarily leaving this unbiased review

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