Review: Parallax (Starblind, #2) by D.T. Dyllin

My ReviewsI got the feels, but I still want more!

Parallax is #02 of 04 in Starblind Series by D.T. Dyllin. All 4 are currently published with 2 of them being on Audible. #3 is in audio production now, with #4 to soon follow. The author has confirmed that #4 is the final book in the series.

Ashley Holt narrates the series thus far.

HEA with no cliffhanger!

This series is only 4 books long and is heavily connected by characters and overall story arc so I recommend reading the books in order. It is not only more enjoyable that way, but you will miss out on a lot of details if you read them out of order.

Length: 6 hrs and 52 mins

Warning: SEX!
Yes, both in thoughts and actions, so if you do not like sex, then you should avoid.

Trigger Warnings
None that I see.
Please let me know if you think there should be.

♥ Story ♥

Tamzea ❤ Eron

Parallax picks up not long after the end of Starblind. The Pittsburgh is now up 3 passengers. We get a bigger glimpse of the classification system. There are also some new species introduced along the way.

This is Tamzea’s story, and it gave me some deep feels! The story flashes back and forth in time as memories are relived. I will warn you now, they aren’t happy or pretty!


Tamzea is a Mazatimz. A species human in appearance, except for their lavender eyes and hair. Most of them end up as some kind of doctor due to their healing abilities. Mazatimz children are often locked away and sheltered to protect them from the dangers of the world. This turns out to be their downfall.

The back story to Tamzea’s life comes flooding back with a vengeance after a chance encounter with an out of control space pod. We find out about her escape and guilt over the loved one she thought dead, that she left behind.

Audible Excerpt: Parallax


Eron is the other half of Tamzy’s pair-bond. He lied and sacrificed to protect another. Life, however, is never that black and white. Just as shady deals are rarely honored. His strife really pulls the heart strings, so try to cut the guy some slack. There is always more to the story, because the things you see and the thoughts you have, may not be your own. (that is supposed to be cryptic)

The Starblind series is still a page turner and I’m sad that I will have to wait to listen to the next in the series, #3 and #4. My heart needs time to recover, but I will have much to say in the Read Along With Me for it. (to be posted soon)


“Humans also used to think they were at the top of the food chain.
….They were wrong about that, too.”

♥ Author ♥

This is my 2nd read/listen by D.T. Dyllin, and I can’t wait to listen to more, but I’m going to have to do it! 🙁 The world building just gets better and the characters pull tears from my heart.

D.T. has 03 Audible Titles

♥ Narrator(s) ♥

This is my 2nd listen by Ashley Holt and she did a good job with story. Voice separation when there are too many characters in the same scene could use some polish to insure you can tell them apart.

Ashley has 07 Audible Titles


Starblind Series

Written by D.T. Dyllin

Read by Ashley Holt

Ebook obtained through Scribd

Audiobook obtained for free at my request and I am voluntarily leaving this unbiased review

2 thoughts on “Review: Parallax (Starblind, #2) by D.T. Dyllin”

  1. Pingback: Audiobookworm Blog Tour: Acceptable Risk – Audiobook Romance

  2. Pingback: Audiobookworm Blog Tour: Starblind Series, Book #2 – Audiobook Romance

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