A Protective Biker And The Love Of His Life.
Running Hot is #02 in the Hell Ryders MC Series
by J.L. Sheppard.
Dawson McBride narrates.
HEA with No cliffhangers!
This could probably be read as a standalone, but why would you?
It’s always, more fun in order! 😘
Length: 10 hrs and 23 mins
Content Advisory: There is sex, dirty talk, and cussing.
And as Cuss points out himself, “They are bikers”
OW/OM drama possible. (see below)
Motorcycles + Hot Alpha Male + Unrequited Love
Running Hot is the second in this MC Romance series, however, it technically starts many years before and carries through events of book #01. Cuss and Tiff have been skirting around their attraction for one another since they met in grade school. There are many situations and circumstances that bring them together as well as push them apart. Both have the courage to challenge the roles society dictates, but lack confidence to believe in their self worth.
They are walking, talking oxymorons!
One still might find issue with the other man/women drama, even taking all these factors into account. . I found it to be more a part of the plot that carries the story forward rather than a blight on their character, but all might not agree.
Thomas “Cuss” Layne grew up on the proverbial Opposite Side of the Tracks. He knew the heroine was his the moment he first sees her, and makes it his mission to always watch out for her, despite feeling unworthy. He even does jail time over it.
Tiffany “Tiff” Hamilton was several grades below Cuss, and from a family of social climbers who put money and status above all else. Going as far as to turn a blind eye to attempted rape because the male in question was from a family of influence in their superficial lives. These same poor excuses for parents don’t have a problem calling on Cuss to be their muscle to get Tiff out of difficult situations. Only to turn around and practically spit on him as less than and unworthy of their presence. They disgusted me, and make me nauseous just mentioning them!
There is a lot of action outside the two main characters relationship, as you get pre-book one drama, the drama of book one, the things that go down in this book, plus a lot of set-up for book 3. There is still a lot of ups and downs angst for those that like the feels roller coasters. The constant poor or sheer lack of communication was a bit much for me, but to each their own. I loved Cuss in the first one, so I think I was just expecting more from him. There are currently still 2 more Hell Ryders stories out in audio to go, Dodge and Ripper. I look forward to the listens yet to come. I still really want to hear a Ty and Tina book. 🤞
J.L. Sheppard writes a good M.C. story. The secondary characters are the best.
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This is my first listen by Dawson McBride. His gravely voice really works for a gritty M.C. series.
AudiobookRomance Narrator Tag | Audible | Amazon | GoodReads
I listened @ 1.15 speed.
Original speed seemed too slow to me. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
➖ Hell Ryders MC Series ➖
ABR Series Page | ABR Reading Order Page | ABR Breakdown Page | ABR Author Page | ABR Narrator Page | Audible | Amazon | GoodReads | OverDrive | Author’s Website
Ebook obtained through Scribd.
Audiobook obtained at my request and I am voluntarily leaving this unbiased review.