@ Chapter 06
Grady was so brave! No one’s going think he is so beastly now, despite going a little beastly at the party. People might still call him a grumpy home body, but no more the Amesport Beast!
Finally we get some sexy time! It seems like forever!
The background info on Grady was enlightening, and explained some things, but the stuff about his mom made me feel sad and a little mad!
I just want to make a public announcement here:
Regardless of your emotional distraught, ladies please don’t run for the rickety dock, or the frozen pond, or the woods, or the street in your grief madness! Yes is can sometimes feel extreme and overwhelming but let’s not make it worse by doing something that is more than likely going to end in really painful tears, and most likely scars!
Is anyone else struggling with the “whisper” issue? The narrator’s whispers gets too low and it is hard to hear. Not sure if it’s her, the recording, or the production process but it is a pain. I either have to listen to the whole thing at an uncomfortable level of loudness, miss what is being said, or have my tablet awkwardly in hand at all times so that I can constantly raise and lower the volume. All of which cut into my enjoyment, which is sad because she is actually a good narrator aside from the whisper issue.
Written by J. S. Scott
Read by Elizabeth Powers
These are my musings as I listen/read this story!
Full Review Here